由全美洲第二大上市墓園集團開發管理的《恆福陵園》,该陵園位於新泽西州拉斐特(Lafayette, New Jersey),距离纽约曼哈顿 52 英里(约60分鐘車程),專門为纽约市和新泽西州北部社区的逝者提供安息福地。
恆福陵園占地120英亩,海拔高,地势瑞祥,罕有的阶梯式布局以及各种不同朝向与方位。 风水极佳,福佑子孙后代的风水宝地。
恆福陵園由思親墓園管理公司(CMS Mid-Atlantic Inc.)開發管理,擁有近50年專業管理經驗和管理經驗。長期有專業人士維護,無需後期管理費用,適合華人傳統文化。該公司為華人社區提供服務已有很長的歷史。
Eternal Sunset Memorial Park and Cemetery is a new development located in Lafayette, New Jersey. The property is being designed to specifically accommodate New York City and Northern New Jersey’s communities—just 52 miles from Manhattan.
The property consists of over 55 acres on a rising hillside, offering spectacular views. The project includes various terraced gardens overlooking the fields below, numerous features, and walking paths.
Eternal Sunset Memorial Park and Cemetery is being developed by CMS Mid-Atlantic, Inc. which has a long history of serving communities in New York and New Jersey.
- 罕見階梯式佈局,海拔有100多層樓高
- 離唐人街約60分鐘車程
- 具亞裔特色、尊重亞裔傳統
- 允許豎墓碑、春秋二祭設專車來往
- 有近50年的專業經營和管理經驗
- 擁有超過6000萬美元的管理基金